Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Evaluation Activity: Distribution

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The distribution of a film (or movie) is the process through which a movie is made available to watch for an audience by a film distributor. 

My film would be likely to receive funding from studios that take greater risks on UK films such as Fox Searchlight or Film4 Productions. These studios tend to take on lower budget films and aim to turn them into major blockbusters. Examples of this are both Slumdog Millionaire and 12 Years a Slave, which were both, turned into Oscar winning, major revenue films from a low budget descent.

My product presents a fresh look and a move away from the current influx of comedy or action ski films by aiming to be an instant adventure classic. My film ‘Homme de la Montagne’ is a large shift away from the Frozen’s and Ski School’s of the recent cluster of films.

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