Friday, 21 February 2014

Evaluation Activity: Attracting Audience

How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to entice a large audience, I had to target my opening sequence at the largest group of people that watch films. After some lengthy research this was found out to be the age range between: 15-24. In order to find this age range the story line had to be one that would appeal to and captivate this specific demographic. Moreover by planning my film to attractive this age group, it means that there will be a lot more marketing through word of mouth.

Due to people between the ages of 10-15 not being as likely to go to the cinema, I decided to put my Opening Sequence 1st Draft on YouTube and the final version on Vimeo. This meant that I could appeal to a wider age range and therefore maximise the potential of my opening sequence.

With my target audience being between the ages of 15-24, I chose upon casting a boy that would fit into that age range. I utilised social media (web 2.0) to help get the word around about my film.


To build and audience and for audience feedback I used Twitter:


The two best and most popular video sharing platforms are YouTube/Vimeo which are both used by my target audience:

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